OB/GYN Clerkship

I am delighted to have the opportunity to welcome you to the VCUHS OB/GYN clerkship! This six week clerkship consists of various clinical experiences including two weeks on Labor and Delivery, two weeks on a GYN surgery service and two weeks on a clinical service, including outpatient clinics, high risk OB, community clinics, post-partum, addiction and reproductive endocrinology and infertility services. We have a comprehensive 1.5 day orientation including several simulation sessions and then limited educational weekly sessions so you can maximize your clinical time on service. We have two main sites for the clerkship: our MCV campus and at the Riverside Regional Medical Center in Newport News.

Welcome from the M3 Clerkship Director

M3 Clerkship Director's Welcome

Welcome from the M3 Clerkship Director

Welcome to OB/GYN! We are so excited to partner with you in this next course of your clinical training. You will find this clerkship has a little bit of everything: surgery, oncology, labor and delivery, primary care, consultation and ER work. We look forward to giving you a good core education for your future work with our OB/GYN population in whatever field you decide to enter.

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OB/GYN Clerkship Director

Fidelma B. Rigby, M.D.
VCUHS Department of OB/GYN
Office: Room 8-202 Main Hospital, Eighth Floor
Phone: (804) 828-1809
Email: fidelma.rigby@vcuhealth.org

OB/GYN Clerkship Coordinator

Martha Vicente
VCUHS Department of OB/GYN
Office: Room 8-202 Main Hospital, Eighth Floor
Phone: (804) 828-1809
Email: marta.vicente@vcuhealth.org

Obstetrics & Gynecology Health Equity Visiting Scholar Rotation

The department of Obstetrics & Gynecology believes Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are core elements of institutional excellence. The Health Equity Visiting Scholars Program, established through the generous support of the Archuleta Family, was created out of the recognition that diversity in clinical care improves patient satisfaction and outcomes. We encourage students from historically marginalized communities and those currently underrepresented in the field of obstetrics and gynecology to apply for this scholarship opportunity.

Scholarship Recipients will:

  • Participate in 4-week clinical elective with the VCU OBGYN Department
  • Receive housing accommodations, at Christine’s House during their 4-week rotation
  • Receive one-on-one mentorship with individually selected faculty member
  • Give a 30-minute presentation to their team on an OBGYN topic of their choice through a health equity lens

Application Requirement - Apply using VSLO

  • Additionally, students must submit a 500-word personal statement addressing the lived experiences that lead them to identify with historically marginalized communities/those underrepresented in the field of obstetrics and gynecology and how they intend to use those experiences to further OBGYN care.


First Offering: August 2024

Last Offering: February 2025

Learn more about our DEI approach!